Abdul Rahman was arrested because he converted to Christianity in a country that is Muslim. The law is that if you reject Islam you reject Allah and that is punishable by death.
The U.S. has been doing its best to make democracies out of such countries as Afghanistan and Iraq, but even though they now have elections, they do not have the freedoms we associate with a democracy. Why? Because they have not learned the importance of the separation of church and state.
In this country we constantly are sparring about the right to have prayer in public schools and display the Ten Commandments and manger scenes at Christmas in front of government buildings. We're proud of our religious heritage. But what we don't realize is that by granting this right to the Christians in this country--who may be the majority--we are taking away the rights of the minority who are not Christian. You may think that is isn't a problem, most likely because you are in the majority. But look at what has happened in Afghanistan? Perhaps you believe that is extreme. Believe it or not, there are Christians in this country who think non-Christians do not deserve to live. These people are much like the Klu Klux Klan members who killed black people for no reason and yet went to church every Sunday.
When we start mixing our religion with our government there is always going to be problems. Our founding fathers knew this and that's why they insisted upon a government that acknowledged the separation of church and state. Imagine living in a country that mandated you worship according to the desire of the leader of the country? That is what our forefathers and our ancestors were dealing with when they escaped to this new world. When a king converted the whole country had to convert.
Thank goodness for our religious freedom. It's something that we take for granted--but we shouldn't. There are those in our government right now that, if they had their way, would pass a bill to officially make this a Christian nation. Again, this may not bother you if you are Christian, but it scares the heck out of me. It is but one step toward us becoming a country like Afghanistan.