New Thought Ministers (Unity, Religious Science, Divine Science, etc) in the U.S. are calling upon their congregations to pray for the country each Sunday night at 8:00 p.m., in whatever time zone they may live, to create a wave of prayer. You are invited to join us, regardless of what religion you may be, or even if you have no religious afiliation. Prayers, positive affirmations, chants, meditations...whatever you may wish to add to this positive energy that we seek to spread is welcome. We will continue this each Sunday until the election and also the evening of Monday, November 3. Please join us in praying your own prayer or the one below. I believe that this is a critical period in the history of this country. We have many challenges with the economy, bailouts, mortgage crisis, unemployment rising and inflation growing. We are also a month away from an important election. This election will determine the direction in which our country goes over the next four years. Because of this, I am asking for prayers for our country--for all the people as they contemplate who will get their vote, both locally and at the national level--and also for the leaders of our country in their decisions that affect us all.
"Infinite Spirit, we call upon you--that force of good within us and in which we have our being--to help us remember and feel our oneness with all mankind. We call upon you to lift our consciousness from fear and limitation to peace and prosperity. We call upon the divine wisdom and guidance within us to help us in making our choices in the election. And we place our faith in divine order, knowing that regardless of whom is elected that they, too, will be guided and directed by divine wisdom. We trust that the highest good for our nation is unfolding perfectly. We affirm and know also that our prosperity lies not in the government, stocks and bonds, gold, or any physical manifestation but rather in God. God is our source and we are abundantly supplied as a nation and as individuals. And we now rest in the assurance that all of our needs are now met and will be met and that our dreams are now manifesting as we allow our consciousness to be lifted up. In gratitude and thanksgiving we say Amen."