This morning I sat down to meditate. I settled in and got comfortable and closed my eyes. I began to breathe deeply in and out and started to relax my body.
Then I remembered something I needed to do. My mind went off on that for a minute or two and then I reined it back in. Breathe.... I told myself.
"What if...?" my mind pounced on a fear thought. "And if that happens, what about..." I jerked my mind back.
This went on for nearly ten minutes. It felt like I was wrestling with a tiger and the tiger seemed to be winning. I so wanted to have a nice meditation where I could reach that inner feeling of peace and calmness and just be able to rest in the silence.
And then I remembered the wonderful mantra that I have used in the past to draw my mind away from these fears, concerns and distractions.
The mantra that I use is this:
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am.
Be still and know.
Be still.
I breathe in slowly and fill my lungs. Then, as I slowly exhale, I repeat "Be still and know that I am God," silently in my mind.
Then I take another deep breath and as I exhale, I think to myself, "Be still and know that I am."
I pause between each breath just long enough to let it sink in. And by the time I get to "Be" I am relaxed and have reached a place of one-pointedness. I feel calm, focused, at peace and totally in the moment. If my mind still feels scattered, I begin again with the mantra. See if it works for you.