This last week I had the H1N1 flu. It was the perfect time to read Dan Brown's new book, The Lost Symbol.
Like most everyone else in this country, I read The Da Vinci Code. I didn't read Angels and Demons, although my husband did and he enjoyed it, being an ex-Catholic. But this latest book I actually like more than The Da Vinci Code.
The story itself unfolds over a 12 hour period of time and is fast-paced and frantic--just like his other best-seller. It weaves in the past history of characters through flashbacks and memories and forges ahead to a crescendo and climax that may or may not shock the reader. Suspenseful and harrowing and packed with mysteries and secrets, the story does keep you reading long after you have said that you need to put the book down to get something else done. Just one more chapter...thank goodness they are short.
The backdrop of The Lost Symbol is Washington, D.C. and the reader gleans much historical information about our nation's capital and about our forefathers, many of whom were Masons. They were also Deists, and not fundamentalist Christians, which I already knew. Those who are fundamentalist Christians will probably be burning this book and proclaiming Dan Brown as a heretic, just as I'm sure some Catholics did after The Da Vinci Code.
It was the spirituality and underlying theme in this book that I found to be the most exciting and which ultimately won me over as a true fan of Dan Brown. For a book considered as "fiction", there is an incredible amount of "Truth" in its pages. Perhaps Dan Brown can finally get people to believe what the world's most sacred spiritual texts have revealed, but that we have not yet fully comprehended or embraced.
Brown's novel speaks of a time of enlightenment and transformation--of order from chaos. As I observe what is happening today in our country, with those who would use fear and paranoia to hold back change and transformation, I can't help but hope that this chaos that we are experiencing is part of a new birthing of cosmic consciousness.
My final copies of this book and pass it around.