On September 13, I blogged about Divine Appointments and shared a wonderful story about Tom and Rita and how they came into one another's lives. On the very day that I posted that story, my husband and I had our own "Divine Appointment" encounter.
We had decided to go walking in a park that is about six miles from where we live. We are fortunate that there are many parks in this area and so we have much to choose from. My husband chose this particular one. We walked about a mile and a half and then decided to turn around and walk back. We talked as we walked and were deep in conversation when I glanced down the path and saw a man that looked familiar. I said to Bob, "That man looks like Craig." Craig is our classmate from seminary at Unity Village. We had graduated seven years before and had seen some of our classmates occasionally at conferences, but we hadn't seen Craig in about six years.
As we continued to walk and got closer, the man looked so much like Craig that I was stunned. But Craig lived in Nevada. It couldn't be him. But it was. As we came up to one another we all hugged. He was with a friend of his that lived in the area. It turns out that he was in town for a music conference. We chatted for awhile and then said our goodbyes, shaking our heads at the synchronicity of the meeting.
Have you ever been thinking of someone and then picked up the phone to hear their voice after they have called you? Last year, I began to reach out to some old friends that I had been thinking about. It was good to reconnect. There was one college roommate that I could not find. Just this week, she found me on Facebook.
Whether it's about us setting an intention or the energy or power that we call God or Love at work in our lives, these things happen. We can look at them as a coincidence or "small world", but maybe we should see them differently, as I mentioned in the article from September 13. Maybe we should acknowledge them as an important encounter that happens for a reason and that we have set in motion through our inner desire or an intention that we have set. If we believe that there is but one Mind and that we all share that Mind, then that could also explain it.
Even if we do not have an explanation that makes sense to us or that we feel comfortable with, it is enough to just accept it is a gift from the Universe. The joy that comes from seeing someone we haven't seen in years is reason enough to give thanks and for which to feel grateful.