Tom is a cab driver in Phoenix. One day, he was called to pick up a customer at home. He got lost and was late. The woman was not happy with Tom and made it clear to him. Tom was happy to leave her at her destination. However, as happy as Tom was to get rid of this customer, and not ever see her again, God seemed to have other plans.
Tom got another call, and sure enough, it was Rita's address. He picked her up and took her to her usual address. Once again, she was grumpy, but this time it had nothing to do with him being late, as he was careful to be on time.
It seemed that time after time, in the large city of Phoenix, Tom was the one who was called to pick up Rita for her appointments. He started to think about Rita and wonder if her grumpiness had something to do with where she was going so often. It was a dialysis clinic. He found out that Rita was sick, and what she really needed was a kidney transplant.
Tom thought it over and decided that it might be something that he could help with, his life not having much meaning anymore. He had no family to speak of, after splitting up with his wife 20 years before. So Tom offered a kidney to Rita. She was astounded that a total stranger would do such a thing. They both knew that the chances were slim that he would be a good donor match. However, they were astonished to find that they were as close of a match as possible, not being related. So the transplant happened and Tom gave Rita a kidney.
The media heard about the story and Tom became a local hero, which was not what he wanted. But because of the media exposure, Tom received a reward that he could never have imagined. The daughter that he had not seen in 20 years saw the story and found him.
Was it a coincidence that Tom kept getting the call to pick up Rita? Was it just a fluke that Tom's kidney was a close match for Rita?
There are things that occur in life that we can't always find logical explanations for. Some call these happenings synchronicity and others call them miracles. I call them "divine appointments". I believe that there is an underlying force or energy at work in the universe. Call it God, or Love or the Holy Spirit, but it really doesn't matter. It is there, active in our lives if we are open to it and allow it to guide and direct us. Tom was open to this energy and allowed himself to be guided to making the decision that would change Rita's life but also his own and his daughter's as well.
For every action, there is a reaction. Some call this Karma. The energy that we put out comes back to us, perhaps in another form or from another person. It is a principle or law that operates in all of our lives but we often are unaware of it. Many people live their lives unconsciously not realizing the impact that their actions have. It is like the ripples that occur when a stone is dropped into a pond. The ripples keep moving outward and what was once a calm surface becomes a pattern of movement and energy.
This week, consider the possibility that you may have a divine appointment. Be open to the guidance of what is yours to do and then when that guidance comes, through whatever form, have the courage to move forward. Your actions may create a positive energy that spreads like the ripples on a pond and the good will always find its way back to you in some form or another.