Music is a universal language. You don't have to understand the words of a song in order for it to touch your heart and reverberate in your soul. There are millions of songs with no words. Think of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony or the Moonlight Sonata. This music has endured because it does reach us on a level that mere words cannot.
Have you ever heard a song and then it continued to play in your mind throughout the day? You couldn't seem to get rid of it, no matter what you tried.
My husband and I went to a dinner theatre last night and saw The Sound of Music. I love the songs in that musical, and it was hard for me to keep from singing along with the actors. And, driving home afterwards, the song, "I Am Sixteen Going on Seventeen" started playing over and over in my head. In fact, I went to sleep hearing it. I have no idea why that particular song stuck with me, and that's part of the mystery of music and its effect on us.
Watch this very short video about a project, "Playing For Change: Peace Through Music". It only takes a moment, but it shows the universality of music and it's ability to touch people around the world. Maybe music is a way to bring peace to the world. If everyone would just put down their guns and listen for awhile....