Scientists in Japan have conducted studies which confirm that a light or glow emits from individuals at different strengths throughout the day. According to the studies, the glow rises and falls throughout the day and seems to hit its peak around 4:00 p.m. and then gradually weakens again. Faces glowed more than the rest of the body in these experiments.
The glow is not apparent to the human eye, these scientists report; it required a camera which is more sensitive and which photographs photons (a discrete bundle or 'quantum' of electromagnetic energy).
So, our bodies are seemingly made up of this electromagnetic energy or photons and this energy is constantly in motion and has no mass. The Japanese scientists believe that the glow has to do with chemical reactions involving free radicals. But could it be that this glow comes from the soul energy or consciousness?
Have you ever seen a person's "aura"? Back in 1987, during the Harmonic Convergence, I experienced this ability as did many people who gathered on Chicago's lakefront on the day of this event. We were all meditating and praying for peace and when we opened our eyes, we saw a colorful glow surrounding many of the people who were attending. We began to talk with one another about this occurence and, for most of us, this was the first time we had experienced it. For me, it was a one-time experience and hasn't happened since. But there are some people for which this is common and they consider it a gift.
Regardless of what we believe, it is interesting to consider the possibilities. And it is important to always keep our mind open. I think most of us would acknowledge that there is more to us than meets the eye, and we are greater and more complex than science might ever be able to explain.