Maggie Callanan and Patricia Kelley: Final Gifts: Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs, and Communications of the Dying
Two hospice nurses share the stories and examples of Nearing Death Awareness experiences of the dying. These experiences, when shared with family members, can be wonderful final gifts of peace and comfort to those who are left behind.
Dan Brown: The Lost Symbol
His newest novel is full of spiritual truths, historical facts, and information about our nation's forefathers, many of whom were members of the Masons. An exciting story even if there are some gaps in logic that left me shaking my head. He's not the best writer, but he does a lot of research into his subject matter.
Patricia Panahi: God Outside the Box: A Story of Breaking Free
I enjoyed Patricia's book and related to her spiritual quest and exploration of many different paths, religions and beliefs. The daughter of a Muslim father and Catholic mother, Patricia grew up in Iran and later came to the United States, where she began her quest to find God "outside the box". From rebirthing to shamanism,Hinduism to metaphysics, I felt like I was reliving my own spiritual journey. Patricia explores many concepts and ideas in her book, such as synchronicity, reincarnation, and sacred contracts. I was never bored. In fact, I didn't want the book to end. I'm now looking forward to her next book
Deepak Chopra: The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore
The Jesus that Chopra presents to us is a teacher of God consciousness and a walking example of one who lived in this state of consciousness. I most resonate with this Jesus and even those who do not see themselves as Christians will be inspired and fed by the teachings of Jesus as they are presented by Chopra.
John Wood: Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur's Odyssey to Educate the World's Children
This is one man's amazing journey from a successful career with Microsoft to a life of service and charity, with the goal of giving the world's children a chance to read books and go to school.
Robert E. Quinn: Deep Change: Discovering the Leader Within (Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series)
A book about personal and organizational change from a spiritual perspective.
Beryl Singleton Bissell: The Scent of God: A Memoir
The spiritual journey and love story of a cloistered nun who falls in love with a priest. Beautifully written and compelling. Highly recommended.
Carlene Cross: Fleeing Fundamentalism: A Minister's Wife Examines Faith
A courageous memoir written by the ex-wife of a Christian fundamentalist minister. An enthralling tale of betrayal, a quest for truth, and a woman's decision to do the right thing for herself and her family.
Elizabeth Gilbert: Eat Pray Love
A delightful memoir about Gilbert's one-year sabbatical following her divorce. She seeks to find pleasure again in Italy, to find God in an ashram in India, and balance in Indonesia learning from an old medicine man. A spiritual journey (and, in the end, a love story) that is fun, humorous and wonderfully told.
Byron Katie: Loving What Is
This book gives you the key to unlocking the door that can lead to a life of inner peace and joy. If everyone in the world would read this book there would be no more war.
Charles Fillmore: Metaphysical Bible Dictionary
Based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, this book provides the esoteric meanings of words, names and places. A valuable resource for all Bible students who want to delve into metaphysical interpretation of scripture.
Eric Butterworth: Spiritual Economics
This is one of my favorite books on prosperity. It is clear-cut, no nonsense, and teaches the spiritual principles of success.
Robert Brumet: Finding Yourself in Transition: Using Life's Changes for Spiritual Awakening
One of the best books I know for people dealing with life changes. It will guide you through the major changes in your life and help you grow spiritually.
John Shelby Spong: Why Christianity Must Change or Die
A new view of Christianity focusing on Jesus as teacher rather than rescuer and on love rather than religious dogma.
John Shelby Spong: Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism: A Bishop Rethinks the Meaning of Scripture
A provocative and courageous look at how literal interpretations of the Bible have been used to justify slavery, ban textbooks, deny the rights of homosexuals, subordinate women, and justify war.
This had me and my hubby wiping away tears. Thanks for posting this Carla.
Posted by: Beryl Singleton Bissell | March 01, 2009 at 10:14 PM