What kind of work do you do? Do you see it as important or just something you do to make a living? What we do in our job is not as important as how we do it--the consciousness we bring to our daily work and the love. Here is a prayer that was written by Rev. Dorothy Piersin. It is a good way to begin our day at work.
Bless My Work
God, bless me in my work this day. May love direct and guide each hand. May kindness prompt the words I say, and thoughts be swift at Your command.
Each task is but a shining goal. In its attainment I shall strive to serve You well with heart and soul, with eager mind, alert, alive.
Be with me as I work this day and help me know that we are one, so I may hear You softly say, "Well done, my good and faithful son!"
Be with me as I work this day...