Are you having a bad day? Is life getting you down? Well, let me tell you about Nick Vujicic.
Nick's father was the pastor of a church in Melbourne, Australia. On the day that Nick was born in 1982, his father asked, "If God is a God of love, then why would He let something like this happen?" The whole church mourned on the day of Nick's birth--because Nick was born without arms or legs.
It's hard to understand when bad things happen to good people. It's normal to question God and go through the feelings of shock, anger, denial, and bargaining before we move to acceptance. These are all part of the grieving process.
But Nick's family did not remain focused on his lack of limbs. They focused on what he had and that was a healthy body in every other way. He was not mentally disabled, as some thought he would be based on his physical disability.
While growing up, Nick faced cruel and painful teasing at school by other children, and at times he wanted to end his life. Why was he born the way he was? he asked God.
Nick's faith in God, courage and determination more than compensated for his lack of arms and legs. He began to make friends at school and learned to live independently, dressing and feeding himself and using a wheelchair. He also graduated from college.
Nick now believes that his lack of arms and legs was not a coincidence or an accident. He sees it as a way to reveal the glory of God working through him. Yes, he prayed for healing, but the healing that occurred was in his attitude and consciousness. He understands that his own challenges have equipped him to help others with their trials and tribulations. Nick is now a motivational speaker, speaking at schools and corporations. His experience of having faced enormous obstacles and the bullying by other children, have enabled him to help many students overcome their challenges and develop the self-confidence and courage to handle difficult situations.
If you would like to learn more about this remarkable young man, here is a link to his web site.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
God is Great and will never forsake Nick. The joy of the Lord is his strength.
Posted by: Alfred Ameh | December 12, 2007 at 03:55 PM
I just finished watching a video clip called "The joy of the Lord" where Nick speaks in a church. All I can say is God bless him! I have been a missionary for the last 29 yrs and am now 48 ys old. I have been going through many heartbreaks in my life and though I know they have all been part of God's plan, seeing this beautiful soul sharing his love and faith in God was very touching and inspiring, to say the least. May we all learn to draw close to Him no matter what happens in our life! God bless you Nick!
Posted by: moonchild | May 31, 2008 at 03:53 AM
There are no words that I can add to this.
Posted by: Bayersman | August 09, 2010 at 05:53 PM