Can you imagine a world without hate? I can. In my mind, it would be a place where we focus on our similarities rather than our differences. We would focus on our oneness as brothers and sisters of humanity. We would see that there is only one race--the human race.
I see us all as cells in the body of God. Each of us is important to the whole--a piece of the divine jigsaw puzzle, you might say. When we do our part to reflect the love of God into the world and the universe, our cell is active and alive. When we come from fear, prejudice hatred and disharmony, we are not functioning to the greatest good of the whole--we are like a dysfunctional cell, working against the natural order of life.
I invite you to view the short music video that I have linked below. It is by a wonderful couple, Karl and Jeanne Anthony, who travel the world with their songs of peace, love and oneness. This video has been on Utube and has gotten rave reviews. Their song is called, "If I Had One Prayer." After you watch it, please send it on to your friends and family. I'd like to see us spread this message around the world. We need it now, more than ever.
And, if you'd like more information on Karl and Jeanne, and a chance to hear more of Karl's songs, here is a link to Karl's site on myspace.