I'm getting ready to do a silent retreat for a few days and, before I did that, I wanted to share a great idea with you. It is called the "Oneness Minute."
In my last blog I wrote about the need for unity in our government now that the election is over. The "us" and "them" mentality and polarity has to end. There is only "us". We are one nation. That concept also goes for everyone in this world. There is only one race--the human race, and we're all in this together.
Oprah had an incredible show today, featuring a program that was done with students at a high school. These students were asked to acknowledge whether they had been harrassed or mistreated because of their looks, sexual orientation, size, religion, ethnicity, sex, economic background, race or any other reason. Every student acknowledged that they had suffered this kind of treatment at one time or another. They shared their stories with each other in small groups and cried together. They began to see that they were more alike than they were different. It was a powerful exercise for these teenagers and it changed their lives.
I encourage you to watch a short movie by using the link below. It will only take a minute of your time. Then make the commitment to the "Oneness Minute." Together, we can help to change the world.