Participants in a 2003 study were classified through a questionnaire as "more forgiving" or "less forgiving" in relation to a betrayal. Both groups reacted with increased blood pressure and heart rate while actually talking about the event, but after the interview was over, the "more forgiving" group recovered its equilibrium quickly, and the "less forgiving" remained in a state of arousal longer.
This study led researchers to believe that "those who have moved further toward forgiveness have fewer symptoms of illness, take fewer medications, have less stress, less depression, and better quality of sleep."
Other studies have been done as well. At Stanford University, researchers came to the conclusion that forgiveness can be taught. A group of adults who were given six weeks of forgiveness training saw a decline of 27 percent in physical symptoms of stress.
Jesus knew that forgiveness was good for us and spoke often of it. Science is finally catching up.
If you are experiencing physical symptoms of stress, maybe there is someone that you need to forgive. And maybe that someone is you.