I read a story recently about a researcher who studied chimps and children and found that there is a difference in how they think. In each case, the chimp was shown a box that had a reward in it. A number of steps (some unnecessary) were taken to get into the box and then it opened to reveal the treat. This was repeated several times and then a new transparent box was brought in. The chimp could see the treat and realized that some of the steps were unnecessary to retrieve the food. He skipped those steps, opened the door and went right for the food. When the child was given the same test, he continued to repeat the same steps even when the regular box was replaced with the transparent one. He went through the same ritual time and time again.
I heard about another test that was done with rats in a maze. A rat placed in a maze retraced the steps to where the food was placed after it found it the first time. When the food was moved, it went back to where the treat was originally but then, after not finding it, began to seek out other routes until it found the food. In other words, the rat didn't continue to go down the same path that wasn't successful. The humans behaved differently. They continued to go down the same path several times when the reward was moved even though it had been revealed that it was no longer there.
Why is this? Why did animals learn so quickly to access their reward and humans choose to repeat old habits even when they knew it would not bring them what they were seeking? It's a good question for which there are no definitive answers. It could be because people have underlying issues with self-esteem that hold them back from achieving success. Maybe it's because humans tend to resist change or are unwilling to learn from their mistakes. Whatever the reason, it is something to consider when it comes to our own life experience.
Have you ever found yourself going down the same pathways in life and repeating the same patterns even though they have always brought you problems (cheating boyfriends, financial challenges, job frustrations, etc.)? Do you ever find yourself wondering..."Why is this happening to me again?" Look at the experiences that you have had and really consider what the lesson was that perhaps you missed. Do you really want to be happy and successful or are you more comfortable being unhappy and struggling? It seems like a strange question, but even Jesus recognized this tendency. He would ask people who lined up for healing, "Do you want to be healed?" He knew that some people got great mileage from their afflictions and didn't want to be well. They preferred the drama of their current situation and the attitude of "Poor me...".
Have you heard the expression: "When you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten." Are you ready to change your thinking and your actions? Because a change of one without the other will not work. If so, take one step at a time and don't be afraid to ask for help. Pray for the strength to resist the old familiar and comfortable behaviors and for guidance on making new choices. Enlist the support of your friends by asking them to tell you when you are going down the same path again in thinking or behavior. When you find yourself repeating old behaviors stop and choose to make new choices. You can do it! I believe in you!
(If you're serious about making new choices and changing your life, I highly recommend Michael Ryce's book Why is This Happening to Me Again? To order, click on the link in my Recommended Books list.)