In my opinion, one of the reasons that we have so many wars in this world is because of religious superiority complexes. If you haven't heard that term before, maybe I'm the first to use it.
When a religious group begins to think that they are superior to others it creates an "us versus them" mentality. They begin to feel that they are entitled to certain privileges and that they alone have all the answers. It is a view that separates and isolates us as humans and fosters intolerance and mistrust.
I have witnessed religious superiority complexes from many different religious groups. Jews believe that they are the "chosen people" and that they should not inter-marry with those outside their religion. This is not just a religious issue, but also an ethnic issue as well as they are trying to preserve and increase the size of their tribe.
Fundamentalist Christians look down their noses at other religions and see anyone who isn't a Christian as being doomed to hell. In their minds, if you haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your saviour then you are a heathen or pagan. And if they can't save you, then it is better to stay away from your bad influence. Christians are also known for believing that everyone should pray in the name of Jesus Christ--even children in public schools who are not Christian.
Catholics were not allowed to attend services of other religious groups for years. This was because of fear mostly, but it also came from the superiority complex of the Vatican believing that they were the only true church.
I believe that there is one God and many paths. Religions, for the most part, are made up of dogma and creeds and have nothing to do with our personal relationship with our creator or higher power. If you choose not to go to church or belong to a religion, that is your choice, and you may have a stronger faith and deeper spirituality than someone who sings in a church choir on Sunday or who has the Torah memorized.
Lets respect people who choose to worship God in a different way and not make them wrong. And lets keep our egos in the right place about our own choices. We have no greater access to truth or God than a person of another religion.